Waddell, Ethan

University/Organization Yonsei University, South Korea Title Outliers to the Korean Multicultural Discussion: Joseonjok Portrayed as the Constitutional Other to the Korean-Self Synopsis This paper will focus on Korean media discourse surrounding the Korean-ethnic...

Ward, Veronica & Kanetkar Vinay

University/Organization University of Guelph Title An Exploration of Authentic Leadership from Oppositional Perspectives: Faith versus Non-Faith Based Synopsis The study explores leadership from two very different perspectives, that of faith-based versus...

Weegar, Mary Anne & Helen Anderson Cruz

University/Organization National University, San Diego Title 21st Century Teaching Methods Synopsis An overview of the courses that were developed for teaching pre-service teachers for the 21st Century culturally and technologically enriched classrooms. View...

Whitehead, Suzanne

University/Organization Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Hawaii, Department of Health Title Restoring the ‘Bodymind’ to Wellness and Relaxation through the Use of Aquatic Ai Chi Synopsis When the body experiences stress, its ancient programmed response is to rev up the...

Wilks, Judith M.

University/Organization Northwestern University Title Horses as Heroes in Medieval Islamicate Literature Synopsis Samples from Turkish, Persian and Arabic literature describe the place of horses in the societies of the time. Excerpts from the Turkic Kurogli-nama, the...

Woo, Miseong

University/Organization Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea Title The Elusive Utopian Vision in Dance Films Synopsis This paper is an attempt to analyze dominant patterns embedded in the dance films as a genre different from musicals and music videos. I attempt to...