College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Florida A&M University
Tallahassee, Florida
Increasing High School Students’ Interest in STEM By Using Summer Research Projects in Science
The Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University’s Program of Excellence in Science Technology Engineering and Math was designed to assist with the recruitment, retention and graduation of under represented students in STEM majors. Area high school 9th – 12th graders participated in a three week Summer Academy and believe that participation in research projects has increased their interest in pursuing a STEM degree upon entering college.
The Florida A&M University Program of Excellence in STEM (PE-STEM) is a program for students entering the 9th grade through graduating seniors from high school. The program focuses on engaging students in STEM disciplines with the goal of increasing their awareness and selection of STEM as a college major and ultimately a career. The program includes an academic year component and a summer academy. During the summer academy students were engaged in research based on their preference in a STEM area. Students in the science area were partnered with researchers in areas such as biology, chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology. Students also presented their research projects at the university during their summer academy’s research symposium.