University of North Texas
Denton, Texas
The Benefits of Using Simulation Based Training (SBT) to Improve Safety in the
Classroom and Work Force
Simulation Based Training (SBT) in education refers to such labeled activities as gaming, gamification, 3D environmental training, virtual reality, and/or augmented reality. In this day and age simulation training is common place and even expected by today’s students. If a student can play virtual reality games using their phone, why wouldn’t they expect to be able to learn this way for a course. We know from educational studies that students learn best by using the same methods or the same way they played as young children, and today’s students grew up playing video games. This means in the field of education we need to start incorporating simulation as a teaching tool because this is what our students have grown up using. Career and Technology Education and other lab based courses face additional challenges when it comes to education students due to the 1) cost for equipment, lab, and/or teachers; 2) major safety concerns on the tools the students use or skills they may need to practice; and finally 3) to find ways to increase students’ knowledge and problem solving skills.